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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Winter Window Box Ideas - Holiday Decorating

Winter is a time when many window box enthusiasts leave their window boxes empty and barren. This is unfortunate, especially since there are many ideas you can use to decorate your window boxes in the winter. Winter is a fun and arresting time to try some decorating ideas for the holidays that you just can't pull off in the Spring or Summer. Here are some winter window box ideas for decorating and gardening. You can either plant flowers, plants, and vines that thrive in the winter or you can select to go with a decorating theme for the Holiday season. Here's three of my beloved ideas:

1. Winter Window Box Vines: My two personal beloved vines for cold winter are Virginia Creeper and Boston Ivy. Both do very well in cold winter weather and both are climbing vines that are ideal for not only decorating your window boxes, but creating coverage that can spread across your entire house. During the Fall season and important into winter these vines can often turn a reddish orange color manufacture them ideal for the Holiday season. An alternative to climbing vines is hanging vines. Potato vine is a great hanging vine that will generate a flow out of the box and a different look than your climbers will and is other beloved that does well year round.


2. Winter Window Box Flowers: Primroses and Pansies are a few choices for perennial flowers for winter window boxes. Gorgeous blue and white flowering Forget-Me-Not flowers can make a great holiday display in your window boxes or you can go with a Christmas theme of red pansies and green ivy. Most winter flowers need to be planted in the Spring or Summer or they can be purchased in the winter from a local nursery and then placed in your window box. Some winter ferns also work well to bring a holiday look to your windowboxes.

3. Holiday Decorating Ideas for Window Boxes: Lots of population will opt for a no maintenance explication During the winter and will empty out their flowers, plants, and vines to put in place a ornamental display instead. This can involve using wreaths, holly, or evergreen branches placed within your window box to give it a ornamental appearance. The use of pine cones, Christmas ball ornaments, ribbons, fake white foam snow balls, and Christmas lights are also other ideas you can use to give your window box a holiday feel.

There is no limit to the imagination you can use for decorating window boxes in the winter. Winter might be one of the best times of the year where you can truly let loose in terms of adding a miniature bit of personalization and creativity to your window planters. Good luck and have fun!

Winter Window Box Ideas - Holiday Decorating

Cooking Utensils

Friday, April 27, 2012

Christmas - Top 7 Funny Christmas Quotes For family Fun, Laughter & Jolliness!

Sharing funny Christmas quotes gives a house an opportunity to laugh together and feel a sense of joy, jolliness and closeness while the festive season. As an added bonus families will reap health benefits in the process. Laughter helps to task your nervous system, sacrifice stress, boost your immune theory and gives your internal organs a good work-out. Sharing funny Christmas quotes is an opportunity to come together sharing inspiration, joy and a few laughs. Give a gift that brings joy to the ones you love on a whole new level by sharing funny Christmas quotes.

You can add Christmas quotes to your Christmas cards to make them even more enjoyable and memorable for the recipient. You could also add them to your own home made Christmas crackers. How about being creative and paint Christmas quotes onto a Christmas bowl, pot plant, a Christmas apron or even onto Christmas cushions or throw rugs which you could also give as fun and inspirational gifts too. With a slight imagination and creativity, ideas for sharing funny Christmas quotes and applications are endless.


So why not start a new tradition in your home and get the whole house complex in seeing on the internet or in books from the library funny Christmas quotes. You could even encourage every person to make up their own former funny Christmas quote. You could extend an invitation to extended house and friends to bring along a funny Christmas quote to share at your Christmas get-together. You could even have a prize gift for the best funny Christmas quote. You can Google 'Funny Christmas Quotes' and you will find hundreds to pick from and why not even make up your funny Christmas quotes.

Here are seven top funny Christmas quotes to help you get started:

1. I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included. Bernard Manning

2. I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. Shirley Temple

3. The consummate Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. Jay Leno

4. Decorate your homes with lots of mistletoe... This won't in fact help the environment... But more kissing has got to be good for world peace. GreenPeace

5. Santa Claus wears a Red Suit, He must be a communist. And a beard and long hair, Must be a pacifist. What's in that pipe that he's smoking? Arlo Guthrie

6. Christmas just like a day at the office; you do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. Anonymous

7. In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukka' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. Citizen passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukka!' or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall! Dave Barry

Introducing some funny Christmas quotes will open the door for extra fun, laughter and holiday jolliness this Christmas festive season. So do not miss an opportunity to add more inspiration, fun and laughter to your celebrations. Remember that house and friends that laughs together originate a greater closeness through unavoidable shared experiences and fond memories together. Introducing funny Christmas quotes is an opportunity to add more joy, jolliness and depth to your family, friends and office gatherings this festive Christmas season.

Christmas - Top 7 Funny Christmas Quotes For family Fun, Laughter & Jolliness!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Elf on a Shelf - 10 Sets of Mischievous Ideas For Adding Magic to Your Holiday Season

The Elf on the Shelf Christmas and Elf Magic traditions are sweeping the nation -- for good reason. They offer a delightful way to build excitement for the holidays, and keep children on their best behavior. Here is how they work.

The "official" Elf on the Shelf, Elf Magic Elf or a someone else elf, arrives at your home early in the Christmas season to spend the holidays with your family.


Each night the Elf on a Shelf returns to the North Pole, while your children are sleeping, to narrative to Santa with regard to their behavior.

While the Elf on the Shelf Elves have a more staid reputation, the Elf Magic Elves are a mischievous bunch, and have a tendency to make a mess or pull a crazy stunt while every person is asleep. Your kids will love to wake up each morning and see what trouble the Elf got into the night before.

Here are ten ideas found around the internet and from local families to inspire your elf:

Elves Love to Do What Your Kids Love To Do

Elves adapt fast to a household, and many mornings are found busy with the beloved activities of the kids who live there. Reading beloved books, playing games (including the Wii or Nintendo Ds), having a tea party with best-loved dolls, and riding skateboards are all beloved Elf past times.

Elves Are Into Computers and public Media

Elves in homes with teens have been known to have email, Facebook and Twitter accounts to keep an online eye on the kids and send funny emails, status updates and tweets. Many elves also seem to surf the internet late at night, seeing fun new sites for the kids to enjoy.

Elves Love to be in Pictures

Apparently, Elves are very good at self portraits. Many families have found their digital cameras full of pictures of their Elves in all kinds of crazy poses.

Elves Often Have A Driver's License

If an Elf cannot be found in the morning, the car is the first place to look. Elves are often found in the driver's seat, sitting on a stack of pillows or books. The car may be parked backwards or in a crazy position, and in some cases even down the road or in a neighbor's driveway. Typically, Christmas music is blaring through the speakers and the gas tank is mysteriously closer to empty than before.

Elves Write in Journals

Elves and children often learn more about each other and build bonds by writing letters back and forth. Some Elves arrive with a festively decorated journal to keep all the correspondence in one place. It has been rumored that some Elves only write backwards, so children must hold the note up to the mirror to read it. A few are conversant in Pig Latin or other codes that older kids must decipher.

Elves Tell Potty Jokes, Too

Bathroom humor spans all languages and species. Elves love to turn the toilet water green (with food coloring), decorate Christmas trees in underwear, toilet paper kids rooms or whole houses, and write on bathroom mirrors with mom's lipstick.

Elves Spell Their Names - Everywhere!

Each Elf has a name. Some are named by the children they watch. Others arrive with a note introducing the Elf. Either way, all Elves seem to love to leave their signature as often as possible. Maybe the Elf's name is written in Cheerios, flour, or chocolate syrup on the counter. Other times in toothpaste on the bathroom mirror. Best of all, in food coloring on freshly fallen snow.

Elves Love Things That Remind Them of Home

Cotton ball snowball fights are a beloved past time of elves. Also, Elves often make elf sized snow angels. If real snow is not available, then Insta-Snow or flour make good substitutes. A beloved game for Elves is Candy Lane. If the house does not already have a copy, Elves have been known to bring one from the North Pole as an early Christmas gift.

Elves Do Not always Come Alone

What could be best than an Elf on the Shelf? several Elves, of course. That means the mischief can multiply and children awake to explicate scenes of Elf mayhem. Maybe a poker game or baseball or football match or a play with Elves in costume (borrowed from other dolls).

Elves Play With Their Neighbor Elves

So many families have their own Elf on a Shelf during the holidays that Elves join with neighbor Elves to growth the fun. Many neighbor elves have been waiting together at the bus stop for their children to arrive. Other Elves host a Christmas party for neighborhood kids.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless for your elf tradition. Happy Holidays!

The Elf on a Shelf - 10 Sets of Mischievous Ideas For Adding Magic to Your Holiday Season

tree blue BuyHomeandlamps

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Christmas Song Games Can Liven Up Your Holiday

While it can be fun to carol or sing holiday songs, Christmas song games are a great selection for livening up any event or get together. Rather than plainly reciting original holiday songs, Christmas song games will require you to have fun when singing or playing. If you regularly have a house game night, you can use holiday games during the month of December. On the other hand these games can also be a lot of fun for Christmas parties at a child's school or even at an adult party. There are some distinct games to select from.

One of the most popular Christmas song games is the photo game. In this game you look at pictures that offer clues to the title or lyrics of the song. Each team takes turns trying to identify the literal, song to match the pictures. There is a scoring law with this game and the team with the highest score wins.


If you like games that require you to act out there is a Christmas game you are sure to enjoy. In this game you take turns drawing the names of holiday songs and trying to act out the song for others to guess. There is a time limit and you are not allowed to talk when acting out your hints. However, if your teammates can guess what song you are acting out, you get a point.

Another fun game for Christmas parties is the humming song. Once again you draw the title of a song that your team members must guess. However, in this game you are required to hum a distinct verse or chorus to the song. Your teammates have to guess based on the sounds you make. The team that guesses the most songs correctly wins the game.

All of these games are sure to add a lot of fun to any holiday party.

Christmas Song Games Can Liven Up Your Holiday Christmas Story Nightlight

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Best restaurant to Have a Christmas Party

Well it is that time of year again to start planning for your annual Christmas party. After last year's success the real request is how could you ever do better? Well for starters, you can't have the best Christmas parties at the office, you need to have them out in the real world where every person would have a think to have some serious fun. What best place to hold a Christmas party then at a local restaurant. They have the space, they have the food and they surely have the beverages to host your party, so why not?

Well unfortunately, it comes down to timing. Most of the familiar restaurants who cater to parties will gradually start booking up the popular days for other parties. What this means is that the longer you take choosing on a venue, the less venues which will be ready for you to select from. Don't be left having to throw your party after Christmas is over like some people do every year.


The best restaurants to have a Christmas party in are the ones that have the bars; preferably some sort of open bar set-up because no one wants to party without the booze and no one will legitimately wants to pay for them after all. It only makes sense. But before you can think about all of the logistics you need to find out which venues are still available. They are going faster then you would believe so don't take to long planning for the Christmas party.

Best restaurant to Have a Christmas Party

Monday, April 2, 2012

Creative Ideas For Gift change Games to Play With Your family at Christmas

In days gone by, there were no real rules about family gift buying. Basically everyone purchased a gift for everyone else. The gifts were all exchanged when the family gathered somewhere while the holiday season.

Changing Times


Nowadays, traditions have changed. It is more coarse for citizen to be assigned a exact man to buy for, often by drawing a name out of a hat. Other families have a "white elephant" change rather than having family members buy for inevitable individuals. Either families change "white elephant" gifts or give a gift to a designated person, all families want a fun way to change the presents.

Hunting For Christmas Gifts

There are some fun ways to enjoy yourselves if family members drew names. Hide the gifts and give out clues to the location of the presents. If you get to grandma's house with a gift for Uncle Harry, tuck it away in the refrigerator. Make up a series of clues so Uncle Harry can find the gift. You may want to say, "It's a milky situation" or "It's cold".

Looking For Christmas Clues

Clues can be serious or silly, depending on your mood. The clues can as a matter of fact lead to the gift in a miniature or may involve a series of complex clues to as a matter of fact find the present. For small groups or large homes, turn the game into a hunt. Leave clues that lead to other clue and then another. Have some prominent clues to separate places in the house until the gift is finally located.

Themed Christmas Gifts and White Elephants

Kids aren't the only ones who want to have fun. Make up whimsical gift change ideas for the grown-ups. Either your family decides to have a name draw or not, a white elephant gift change is always a good time. The white elephant gift change can be themed to coincide with your family's popular things. For example, families who love camping can select that as a theme. All the family members must bring a gift associated to camping. From army knives to backpacks to compasses, all the gifts must reveal to camping in some way.

Other white elephant change themes consist of cooking, fishing and music. The theme should please as many family members as inherent and be something they can reveal to. Create fun games for the white elephant exchange. Have everyone draw a amount and select their gifts from the pile based on the amount they pick. You can start the game this way then let citizen 'steal' man else's gift if they want.

Stealing Christmas Gifts

To 'steal' man else's gift you can have the gift recipient study the gift, shake it up and down and then make an educated guess as to the contents before they open it. If the recipient is correct, they can 'steal' man else's gift and if they are wrong, they keep the gift they have.

Cards and Christmas Gifts

You can also build up gift giving anticipation by playing cards. Play fast card games such as rummy or poker. Tell everyone they cannot get their Christmas gift until they win a hand in the card game. everyone gets to play games, open their gifts and have a good time.

When you change gifts with your family, you should also enjoy each other's company. Feel the Christmas spirit when you play engaging, enjoyable games with the adults and children in the family. Exchanging gifts is more than opportunity presents, it's sharing time with the citizen you care about.

Creative Ideas For Gift change Games to Play With Your family at Christmas Cooking Utensils

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Boss

Halloween has come and gone, so you know what that means: we have entered the surprisingly swift slide towards the long holiday season. Before you know it, you'll be looking turkeys and then Santas pop up everywhere. Instead of waiting until the last minuscule - again - to do your holiday gift shopping, start now, while you still have time to think up something creative.

Why not start your brainstorming with your boss? After all, he or she is one of the reasons you still have a job this holiday season, while so many less fortunate population out there will be spending their holiday sending out resumes and request Santa for a new position. Take a look at these four great gift ideas for your boss.


1. Get the rest of the crew in on it

One thing you can do for your boss that he or she will be sure to appreciate is to get the rest of your workplace in on the fun. You can chip in together to offer your boss something particularly nice, such as an airplane mark to your boss's beloved holiday destination, or even a cruise. If your boss is a sports fan, get him or her a merge tickets of premiere seats for the big game. Of course, this only works if you have a big sufficient office to afford such a gift.

For something less high-priced that everybody can be involved in, offer your boss a framed poster with all of the team's signatures nearby it.

2. Gag gifts

Gag gifts are great fun - if your boss has a good sense of humor, and your relationship is such that you know your boss will enjoy a humorous or even raunchy gift.

Two words of caution about gag gifts, however. First, if you're not sure if your boss would find it funny - if you find yourself hesitating even a minuscule bit, wondering if this is undoubtedly such a good idea - don't do it. The last thing you want to do is offer something that you hoped would earn a laugh, and instead it earns a scowl. Second, if you're going to offer a gag gift to your boss, make sure it's something unique and personal, such as an item that is reminiscent of an office inside joke. What you don't want is something generically funny that will end up in the wastebasket by January 15.

3. Of-the-month Clubs

"Of-the-month" clubs are excellent gifts that keep on giving. From more original book-of-the-month clubs to more unique subscriptions, such as wine-of-the-month or pie-of-the-month clubs, the chances are you can find an of-the-month club that fits your boss's hobbies and lifestyle.

Does your boss dote on his or her dogs? consider a dog-treat-of-the-month club, where your boss will receive custom-baked dog treats for Rover and Fido every month. Does your boss like gardening? A garden-of-the-month club will supply your boss with gardening tools and bulbs each month.

4. Get your boss to relax

Your boss probably needs a opportunity to relax and unwind as much as whatever else in the office. A great gift is a visit to a spa or massage studio, where your boss will be given a opportunity to deeply relax and let go of stress. From incommunicable massage therapists who will come right to the office to visit your boss in the middle of a busy day, to upscale day spas where your boss can spend a day or a whole weekend, spas and massages make great, unique gifts for your boss.

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Boss


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